To Redeyef

Fakhri El Ghezal
Fakhri El Ghezal, 2023
hardcover, cloth binding

Publisher: BaoBooks.

ISBN: 978-9938-78-226-4

Dimensions: 13 x 19 cm

pages: 106 pages (ill.)
"It is here, in the heart of the city of Redeyef, that we founded an artistic and civic laboratory in 2014: a place where freedoms, speech and public life are experienced through artistic creation. This laboratory is located in a building: the Economat.
'We', that is to say Siwa, associating Tunisian and European artists and intellectuals to initiate a common project with the residents and young people of Redeyef.
Fakhri El Ghazel is one such person, an artist associated with Siwa since 2011, and one of the first to compose the outline of our story. With this photographic series, Fakhri El Ghezal surveys a Redeyef of another time, presenting the audience with the journal of his wanderings: catching local people mid-gesture, he suspends movement and time, rendering both face and word visible."